Things to do in Mornington

The Top 2 Things to do in Mornington

Welcome to “Things to do in Mornington” as told by your local handyman from Handyman on the Mornington Peninsula.


If you’ve read any of my local reviews before then you know I don’t like to give you massive lists.


To be honest I don’t have the time for that.


So here’s The Top 2 Things to do in Mornington.


Or at least, 2 Things to do in Mornington…


The Mornington Racecourse Market


This is a great market. They’re all pretty good on the Mornington Peninsula, but it’s nice, I like it.

This market is located at the Mornington Racecourse so you know there’s going to be a lot of room which means a lot of market stalls. 


They say  that everything sold is handmade, homemade or home grown but you and I know that it’s not entirely true, but who cares. 


I’ve seen the world’s smallest kites being sold there and I’m sure they were made in China. But you know what? 


They’re great. The kids love them, the dads love them and they help to create an atmosphere that’s warm and playful. So how can that be a bad thing?


They also have crazy amounts of food trucks so you won’t go hungry. 


The thing with the food at the market is that it’s really great food. How they manage to package restaurant quality food into those takeaway boxes is unbelievable.


One of my favorites is the Calamari van. 


I know… Seafood from a Van?


Trust me, you’ll love it.


And while you’re sitting down to eat, why not listen to the live band. But don’t just listen, pay the man.


Or women.


I’m sure they take mastercard.


If you can pay $15 to have your kids face covered in paint, then you can leave a little something for the band.




Come down and check this one out. You won’t regret it.


Mornington Racecourse Market runs all year round, on the second Sunday of the month.


Mornington Main Street Shopping


You know Mornington Main Street is good when you Google it and it has its own website.


Does your street have its own website?




Well, Main Street Mornington must be special, the proof is right there.


If you want food, they have over 52 places to get food. That’s a mix of restaurants, cafes and take away.


You’ll definitely find something to eat.


One place I love, that will take care of breakfast, lunch and dinner in one foul swoop, is Tuttifrutti Artisan Gelato.


Get a double scoop with a nut encrusted, chocolate dipped waffle cone and you won’t need to eat for the rest of the day.


Plus the kids will love you.


Just make sure you take them to Mornington Park to run it off before you drive home. But not too soon after eating. It’s a fine balance between a great day and a messy day.


Looking for shopping?


Mornington Main street has over 81 retailers and boutique stores for you to spend your day getting your “shop on”.


Hot tip for the men…


If your wife is spending the whole day, dragging you from one shop to the next, head over to Peninsula Beverage Co and taste some of the Mornington Peninsula’s finest.


They have Gin, Scotch, Rum, Cider, Beer, Wine. Trust they have enough to get you through the day. 


You can sit in and drink it by the glass while you watch the shoppers stroll by. So you don’t have to sit on the park bench with your little brown paper bag. 


It’s a win-win for everybody.




If you’re coming out to the Mornington Peninsula you need to stop off in Mornington. But make sure you bring your wallet, because whatever you decide to do, we thrive on tourists out here. 


That’s you.


The businesses need your money so they can survive. If you don’t spend, the only way for them to survive is to put their prices up.


And I don’t like paying too much for coffee.


So come to Mornington, spend all your money, help keep the price of coffee down.


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Handyman on the Mornington Peninsula

251 Dromana Parade

Safety Beach,

Victoria, 3936


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Do you know why you struggle to find a reliable handyman... They're not bad people, they're just not local...

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